Friday, September 4

Week 3 - Pack your Lunch

Since I have become under-employed I can walk to my kitchen at noon (or 11:01 - breakfast has no meaning to my stomach) and rustle up lunch. But for most of you I'm guessing lunch is like it used to be for me - a somewhat harried affair involving lines, $10+, and, sometimes (I'm not proud) the hot/cold lunch buffet. (Btw, while we're on the subject, how come at every one of those places is there something that looks like General Tso's chicken but doesn't taste like the General Tso's you get at a chinese takeout place - but all the hot/cold buffet GT-esque chicken tastes the same? It leads me to believe that there is somewhere a mega-supplier of the stuff that delivers it through pneumatic tubes.)

I digress.

Look, I know how it is. Sometimes going out to buy lunch is your only escape from cubby-hell. Bringing lunch is like advertising that you are going to work through lunch, that you don't take lunch. It's depressing.

But, bringing lunch will save you major money. While you're packing your lunch, think about a cloth napkin. Keep real silverware and a cheap but real plate in your desk (as long as you wash them - euew.) The whole process will help you to start seeing food as something nice and nurturing and civilized. Let's face it, the hot/cold lunch buffet never made you feel that way. It always made me feel like I was crashing a weird and poorly planned multi-cultural wedding.

1 comment:

  1. I love the lunch culture at my office--it is totally the norm to bring your lunch and bring something TASTY. and eat off of real plates and use real silverware. I have this idea that a person could start a revolution and change the culture at their office to be like ours.
